Saturday, February 23, 2013

Fresh fruit water!

I've been on this health kick and staying away from sugars and artificial sweeteners. After realizing how many sugar free water packs I was consuming I decided to try the fresh fruit water idea's I've been seeing on pintrest. I'll link you to the ones I did here dont worry :)

I was really excited to try the strawberry lime water. I LOVE strawberries! Sadly Im not such a lime fan and with water turned out a little too bitter for my taste. Next time I think Im going to try lemons instead because I love lemons! If you like limes you will enjoy this one :) The strawberries do start to fall apart so this is one you want to drink fast. If you're like me you like to drink different flavors throughout the day. Its best to try and do this one within 24 hours. I let it sit for 8 hours and the longer it sat the more bitter it got.

The cucumber lemon water is more my speed. Its light and refreshing without the sour taste. You get just a hint of lemon and cucumber. I've heard people add mint so Im going to try that out next go around. You can refill this one too which is nice. I don't feel like Im wasting food that way. After sitting for 24 hours I tried it. Im in love and will be keeping this in my fridge :)

Next I want to try raspberry mint and a few tropical sounding ones!